BUDAPEST | A very COVID vacation


A couple years ago, my father and his partner had the amazing, brilliant, absolutely awesome idea to move to Hungary. Why Hungary? I didn't really understand that myself, to be honest. But hey, to each their own, right?

But it's not Budapest they're moving to. Oh no. They want to move to the south of Hungary, or better yet: the Puszta. According to my old friend Wikipedia, Puszta stands for: Hungarian traditional landscape. Or, a very free translation from Dutch, a grassy type of situation with lots of mosquitos and other lovely wildlife. The word 'puszta' is Hungarian for 'emptiness', should I say more?

I am more of a big city girl myself, I must say. After an upbringing in the Dutch country side, I vowed to never move back to a rural area. So, to say the least, I was skeptical. Time to check that out, I'd say.

August 2020, despite being in the midst of a pandemic, allowed me to travel to Hungary to visit my family and their new, humble abode. And granted, it needed some TLC, but I must say, it was quite lovely. No noise, no annoyingly peppy neighbors who will call the fire department on you when having a camp fire (that's a whole other story), and no crazy steep bills for maintaining the place. Pretty sweet. I get it, and I applaud them for having the guts to actually pick up their things and move to a new country with a crazy difficult language.

Of course, I couldn't leave Hungary without visiting the capitol: Budapest. The temperatures were at an all time high. At times, I felt like I was literally melting. But it was so worth it: Budapest is a beauty. The city's atmosphere feels like a combination of Berlin and Paris. The people are extremely nice and the food and drinks are extremely cheap. Win-win!

Because of COVID, the city wasn't as busy as it would have normally been during that time of year. Short waiting times are always great, but one moment stood out for me. The man who runs the House of Houdini was willing to put his performance on hold for me while I was getting some cash for a ticket! Afterwards, we even got a private tour of the museum! Highly recommend (link below).

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A couple years ago, my father and his partner had the amazing, brilliant, absolutely awesome idea to move to Hungary. Why Hungary? I didn't really understand that myself, to be honest. But hey, to each their own, right?

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